For I was sure of one thing, it wasn't always the hero who saved the world. It was the person most willing to die first. - R.K.Rayes We all take pride in being Indians, definitely we do but there are thousands who gave up their lives before and after independence so that one day we can be proud. Kurbaani (means sacrifice ) was Mime act performed by Pantomime on the occasion of Independence Day and Foundation day of 2019. It spoke of about the sacrifices given by known and unknown heroes for granting us independence and also protecting us. Sacrifice is an essential part of revolution, revolutions are made by sacrifices, it’s also the price we pay for freedom. Many have given their lives for us to have freedom and preserving it but the question is that about how many do we know? There are many unsung unheard heroes of this nation because of whom we are free today. Pantomime tried to bring some of their stories to the audience. This mime act had a vast canvas as we tried to bring up stories from pre-Independence to today. Our motive was to create a sense of nationalism among the audience and also to make them remember those who lost their lives for us. It was not only about the freedom fighters but also about our soldiers, our police force and every single person who have sacrificed something for the larger cause and betterment of this country. This act was well received and applauded by everyone present in the auditorium. The tears in their eyes and a standing ovation from the crowd with the sense of nationalism was certainly our greatest prize won. It was a pleasure to see an entire auditorium rising the slogans of Bhaarat Mata ki Jai after the act.